Who we are
Bringing Hope to the Nation and Beyond.
In more ways than one, our world is dying. Genuine love is rare and truth seems like a distant dream. The world is in dire need of hope. This is why Hope Channel Malawi is here.
Hope Channel Malawi brings hope into the homes of a world that is hungering and thirsting for the wonderful principles of an abundant life found in God's Word. We offers wholistic, Christian television with programs that focuses on faith, relationships, health and community.
We await the eminent and visible advent of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. But waiting is different when you are a follower of Christ... Just like many other things are different when defined by God's Word. As Christians waiting does not mean sitting on our hands but rather, watching, praying and working. And as we work we are hastening His soon return (2 Peter 3:12).