Celebrating Ten Years
A decade of bringing hope to the nation
MoyoMalawiJul 13, 2019, 5:27 AM
Adventist Media Centre is Celebrating 10 years of Broadcast in Malawi.
Adventist Media Centre, which started with the opening of Seventh Day Adventist Radio in 2009, has gone on to become one of the leading broadcasting houses in Malawi and a primary source of Biblical doctrine to the nation of Malawi.
In 2015, the addition of Hope Channel Malawi to the Media Centre gave visual representation of the message of hope that SDA Radio had already started. This affiliate to Hope Channel International gives Adventist Media Centre more opportunity to engage a home audience of all ages and all classes as the channel is broadcast into homes across the nation.
Adventist Media Centre is unique in that it does not only look at Radio and TV as sister ministries but rather as one entity. Having affiliates of both Adventist World Radio and Hope Channel International existing as one unit.
The hope is that God would continue to grow Adventist Media Centre as many platforms are now opening up as ways to engage a consumer audience.